Safety Tips for Solo Travelers - Starr Tours & Charters

One of the comments that we often hear from passengers traveling alone on our tours is that they love to travel with us because they meet so many great people! In fact, we know of many different Starr travelers that met on tour years ago and continue to travel together to this day. While traveling by yourself may seem daunting at first, there are many perks to solo travel like the opportunity to meet and travel with great people, but still have a room all to yourself at the end of a long, exciting day.

Our Tour Directors and Drivers are dedicated to caring for the safety and well-being of our passengers. After all, safety is our top priority! That means that you’re in good hands with our safe and reliable staff, but we want to make sure that you are safe when you’re out exploring on your own too. As you know, in this day and age, anything can happen during travel (or at home!) so it is always best to be prepared!

Before you leave the hotel for an adventure out on the town, grab the hotel’s business card and tuck that in your wallet. This way, you’ll have the hotel’s contact information handy and, just in case something happens, emergency personnel will have another point of contact in order to help you. Make sure you ask your Tour Director and/or Driver for their cell phone number. This way you can reach them in case you can’t meet up at your scheduled time.

Consider purchasing accessories to hide your valuables and never take largemoneybelt-shutterstock_167811116-max600 amounts of cash out in open view of others. Split your cash and credit cards between your various pieces of luggage so that if your wallet is stolen you still have a backup. Some accessories that we recommend are an under-clothes money belt in place of a wallet (a simple one like this will do) and a wearable USB with copies of your all of your important documents like your passport (if traveling abroad) and photo ID.

If you have a smartphone, there are some great safety apps to download. “Watch Over Me” is really great one! Once you enter the app, you simply type in, “Watch over me while I…” and finish your sentence with anything like, “travel today,” and enter the time frame. The app then begins a countdown until you reach the end of your designated time frame. At that point, you let the app know that you are safe. If you do not confirm your safety by the time the counter hits zero then the app will contact your previously assigned “emergency contacts” with your GPS location. Isn’t it amazing what technology can do? Other apps to look into are “React Mobile,” and “Get Home Safe”. Apps vary on the features they include and price, so try googling “personal safety app” or “personal safety app reviews” to learn more and find one that is right for you. Also, make sure your phone is charged and carry your charger with you. There are small portable chargers that you can purchase as well to keep your phone, tablet, and everything else ready to go.

When it comes to cell phones, it’s also smart to keep in mind that some areas of travel may not have service. It’s best to check your roaming capabilities before you go (especially when traveling abroad) and, if necessary, plan to purchase a prepaid phone when you reach your destination. Another great idea is to give your itinerary to a friend or family member before you leave and check in throughout your trip.  Staying connected is key!

Wherever you are, as cliché as it may seem, be aware of your surroundings. Do not let yourself be easily distracted by beggars or children (especially overseas) as some can be very crafty. Distractions can be used to deflect your attention from what is really happening.

Though the likelihood of an unsafe experience is rare, staying smart and vigilant is key to a wonderful experience. The more you know, the more prepared you can be for your trip of a lifetime with Starr!


For more safety tips, check out the websites below.

10 Travel Safety Tips You Can’t Afford to Ignore
17 Safety Tips for Solo Travelers

What are your “go to” safety habits?

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